Nigerian Academy Grabs Ex Chelsea, Celtic Coach

Published: November 19, 2013
Nigerian Academy Grabs Ex Chelsea, Celtic CoachIn a bid to achieve its desired results of giving the best of training to aspiring football professional in Nigeria, the Ibadan based soccer school; Frenage Soccer Academy has secured the services of a former Chelsea FC’s Youth Coach, Fennessey Harty Thomas, who is bound to arrive the country this week.

The adventurous Scottish, who had worked with the London club for a season and also spent 2 years with Celtic FC Academy is now eager to work with African youths, thus necessitated his desire to join the Nigerian football academy.

Fennessey according to statement released by the academy in Ibadan and signed by its CEO, Prince Oluwole Ololade is expected to arrived Nigeria and resume work with the academy having finalized all the contract talk and secured all travelling and work papers.

“After an extensive interview and screening careful screening of credentials, Frenage Soccer Academy has secured the services of a former Chelsea, Celtic FC youth Coach, Fennessey Harty Thomas and will arrive in Nigeria to resume fully with the academy this week.

“This was borne out of our desire to give Nigerian youths the best and qualitative soccer tutorials that would place them at par with their counterpart anywhere in the world”, the statement reads.


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